Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Nose...hurts...need...more napping...

posted by Kris Ardent @ 8:50 PM

I've got a bad cold. Great suffering. Strangely enough, yoga is the only thing that makes me feel better. That's right. You heard me. I went to my first yoga class on Monday and it was way harder than I expected. Yesterday, I was broken, but only in the face. The rest of me felt pretty good. When I went back to yoga last night, it was a lot easier than the first night, and my head didn't hurt for almost 90 minutes. I just I'll just have to do yoga constantly until my cold is gone, cuz right now it feels like I just got water up my nose, and it's been this painful for 2 days. I've tried Zicam and snorting salt water, but those offer only temporary relief. Please send me your water-up-the-nose-sensation home remedy suggestions.

In other, less pathetic news:

1. Yoga challenge! 30 days of yoga! 90 minutes at a time! 150 degree room! (Okay, maybe it's a little cooler than that.)
2. We found a home! Our new address will be 9 Ebor Street, #12, Wellington, New Zealand. It's a furnished 2 bedroom, 1 bath right down town, about a block from the fancy grocery store and the yoga studio. We move in on March 30, the very day we're forced to check out of this HELL HOLE they call the Duxton.
3. I bought boots! They are beautiful. I made the shoe guy bring me over 20 pairs, and have one pair run over from another shop. Then he had to steam stretch them a million times until they fit over my calves. Totally worth torturing that guy. I'll post pictures soon, because I know of at least two people out there who REALLY CARE.
4. I keep dreaming about the cats. Nothing weird (like the other really weird dreams I've been having). I just think I'm awake and I feel one of them jump on the bed, and I think I know which one it is because I can usually tell, and when I check to see if I'm right, there is no cat, because the cats don't live here at the hotel with us. Duh. :(

p.s. I'm posting this from the lobby of the Duxton (as usual). Today, there's an NZCCP Workshop: "Cognitive Therapy for Persistent Problems - A New Paradigm" Everyone is leaving the workshop now, and passing through the lobby. For some reason, about half of them are mesmerized by the bumper sticker on my laptop: "What if the hokey pokey really is what it's all about?" In New Zealand, hokey pokey is the "national icon" ice cream flavour (note the extra "u"), some kinda vanilla with toffee. I have confounded the congnitive therapists.


At 3/21/2006 9:49 PM, Blogger nanavere said...

Of course, I care about the boots... and the nose. Poor, poor little nose. MWAH! I am kissing it watery and all!

Thinking of you and Joe in your sleepy bed reaching out for your "missing" kitties make me ache. Can't wait for them to come home to you. :)

I love you Kreese, hope you feel better soon, babe.

At 3/26/2006 9:19 PM, Blogger Kris Ardent said...

Boots! They are here!

Thanks for reading. It's hard to email all the people. I'm outnumbered. :D

At 3/27/2006 7:28 PM, Blogger Kris Ardent said...

That is a LOT of love! Wow! I can FEEL it. Poor Mimi! You should try practicing your yoga in a room that's 105 degrees. Then you couldn't sprain anything, because all you can do is lay there in "corpse pose". Hard to get injured that way.


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