Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Finally, A Difinitive Answer on the Asparagus Pee Issue

posted by Kris Ardent @ 1:25 PM

So everyone's pee smells funny after eating asparagus, but only some people have the ability to smell it. Epicurious entry here.

The more you know...


At 11/08/2006 3:39 AM, Blogger Kris Ardent said...

Don't you know? Being aware of, or dare I say, obsessed with celebrity culture is a DEEP DARK SECRET that no one should know about, and we should never speak of out loud.

Yay for Nancy Pelosi! (Yay for Britney!)

I miss you too, Aimee. If you were here, there would be donuts instead of raw nut pates. Aaah, donuts.


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