Saturday, April 29, 2006

"A Very The Cheat-like Cat" Spotted at 842 Moultrie St. In Bernal Heights

posted by Kris Ardent @ 7:44 PM

Matt filed a report from the field this morning. A woman responded to one of Vanessa's posters saying that she had been feeding a stray orange cat for the last few days. They sent a party to the scene and witnessed a The Cheat-like creature running away. Vigils are happening! The Cheat could be in our clutches soon!

Feel free to join the hunt for The Cheat! That address is a vacant house owned by the woman who reported the sighting, and y'all are free to let yourselves in through the gate. The best way to get The Cheat to come around is to make the "food-into bowl sound" by pouring food back and forth between bowls. If you can't catch him, see if you can snap a picture of him for better identification.

Thank you to Matt, Cary, Colleen, Aimee, Tony, Nikhila, Vanessa, Francisco, Jonathan and anyone else who is out there searching or praying or sending psychic messages in hopes of his triumphant return!

Matt advised not getting our hopes up, but we're ignoring him. For now, I'm going with "The Cheat is not dead! So glad!" If it turns out not to be The Cheat, maybe we should just take in the new orange cat and start calling him The Cheat. We shall create our own cat reality!


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