What a Mildew Allergy Could do for YOU.
posted by Kris Ardent @ 8:32 PM
I'm finally recovering (I think) from the water-up-the-nose-syndrome. Turns out the mildew smell in our room (which I couldn't smell because I was having an allergic reaction to the mildew) was in fact, mildew. Joe took me to the doctor ($35! No insurance!) and I got some prednisone and an antihistamine. Then the Duxton moved us to the mildew-free PRESIDENTIAL SUITE. And we thought we had a sweet deal with our last suite. Joe made an interncontential-style movie of our new home, which I'm sure he'll post shortly. It's in 3 parts, because the suite is just that big. I'm pretty sure they had to move De La Soul out to make room for us.
Here is Joe, demonstrating the largeness of our bed, which must certainly be a god-emporer (one size up from king):
De La Soul! We saw them at the Wellington Town Hall on Friday night, with The Wanderers & Olmecha Supreme. While the venue made it feel a little like a high school dance, minus the streamers hanging from the ceiling, these kiwis sure do know their hiphop. Who knew there were so many b-boys and b-girls in Wellington! Many pants were down well below waists, and there was much bouncing. Joe and I danced for 3 1/2 hours before collapsing on the floor like the old people that we are.
Speaking of old, today is Joe's birthday, so send him birthday wishes and psychic spankings already!
And now, more photos...
As promised, many shots of the breakfast buffet we enjoy daily (or rather, Joe enjoys daily, and I enjoy when I can drag my mildew head out of bed before 10:30). Check out those pastries! Good thing yoga is the mortal enemy of pastries!
Here is New Zealand on Friday, a rainy cloudy ugly day. Today, it's bright and sunny and warm, 22 degrees C, or about 81 F. Nice.

And, last but by no means least, The Boots Which Fit Over My Calves: