posted by Kris Ardent @ 1:45 AM
Megan the Miraculous Massage Therapist demanded homemade sushi, so we made an appointment with Allen for last night. This was my first sushi-making experience, but Allen totally knew what he was doing. I spent the afternoon shopping Asian and un-Asian markets in search of the proper ingredients: sashimi-grade tuna, salmon & tarahiki, avocados, veggies, fried tofu pouches for inari, surimi crab (fake crab for California roll type stuff) and sake.
After months (maybe even years?) of gathering dust on my bookshelf, Aimee and Tony's "Sushi Master: International Sushi Maker Plus" finally got hauled out for the first time. It's mostly a collection of molds for making square or heartshaped sushi, along with some funny plastic chopstick/spoons and a roll cutting knife with little holes punched in it so the sushi will slide right off, in theory.
Chopping vegetables is fun! Especially with a pretty and sharp santoku knife. Those cucumbers became sunomono salad, lemon slices were eaten whole with salmon sashimi, and the mushrooms were shortly deep fried in tempura batter, cuz hey, why not deep fry stuff?
Speaking of deep frying, here are mushrooms getting a spa treatment in Allen's deep fryer, which, despite the rumors, did NOT come with the apartment.
Here's Clodagh making Jazz Hands over her sushi creation, which contains salmon, cucumber, avocado, red pepper and pickled ginger. MMMMM!!! What you don't see is Clodagh shaking her left leg in the air as I instructed her to do, just for my own amusement. Te he...
Allen made a dish from his Nobu cookbook (which is now in my possession: bwahahaha...). Tuna with chives, coriander and jalapeƱo pepper:
Here's the bounty of our labor. It only took about 3 hours. It's hard to tell, but those inside-out rolls are HEART SHAPES. Yeah. Unh. Take it.
Here's the table 5 mintues before we devoured everthing:Here's us 20 seconds before we devour everything. Look how happy I am!
And just for the record, here's Clodagh hitting the sauce:
Sweet! I love having my stuff back. Have you tried the mochi ice cream yet? You should. For science.
$52 for Fat Freddy's Drop? Really? Could it really be that good? I think that's more expensive than De La Soul. Damn, in my day you could see a rock show for a nickle. Do you even know what a nickle is?!
I have a massage tomorrow, so I'm not sure I'll have time for anything else. :D
Let's go to Ebisu soon Nikhila! Let's make our own plans on Joe and Kris' blog.
We are all stalking each other.
Oh KREESE!!!! When you say, "yeah unh take it", I can't take it!!! i just wanna take you and and dive on you.
I miss you, my hunny.
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